Fascinating Facts about the Korobets Surname: Genealogy, History, Meaning and Declension

Unveiling the Fascinating Genealogy, History, Meaning and Declension of the Korobets Surname: Discover the Intriguing Facts!


Do you know the origins of your surname? Have you ever considered exploring the history of your family name? Interestingly, the Korobets surname has a unique history, meaning, and declension that is intriguing to explore.

Genealogy and History

The Korobets surname is of Ukrainian origin and is derived from the word «korobka,» meaning a small box. The first records of the Korobets surname can be traced back to the 16th century in the Ukrainian lands. The Korobets family were primarily farmers and craftsmen and were recognized for their hard work and determination. The surname has spread worldwide, with significant populations in Belarus, Russia, and the United States.

Meaning and Declension

In Ukrainian, the Korobets surname is a patronymic, meaning that it is derived from the father’s first name. Thus, the full surname would be the first name of the father, followed by «Korobets.» For instance, if the father’s first name is Ivan, then the son would be Ivan Korobets.

In terms of declension, the Korobets surname follows the typical Ukrainian surname declension patterns. It changes depending on the gender, number, and case of the person’s name that it modifies.

In conclusion, exploring the origins and meaning of the Korobets surname provides insight into the history and culture of Ukrainian families. The unique declension patterns of the surname also highlight the intricacies of the Ukrainian language.

Fascinating Facts about the Korobets Surname: Genealogy, History, Meaning and Declension


The Korobets surname is a relatively uncommon name that has its roots in Eastern Europe, particularly in Ukraine and Belarus. This name is thought to have originated as a nickname for someone who carried a basket (known as korob) with them, indicating that they may have been a farmer or a market trader. There are also suggestions that the name may have come from the Old Russian word ‘korb’, which means ‘raven’, or ‘corbie’ in Scots English.

Like many surnames, the Korobets name has undergone various changes and modifications throughout its history. It is interesting to note that, depending on the region and time period, the surname has been spelled in several different ways, including Korobetz, Korobet, Korobit, and Korobec.

Exploring the genealogy, history, meaning, and declension of the Korobets surname is a fascinating journey that allows us to gain a greater understanding of the cultural and linguistic influences that have shaped this name over time. This article will explore various aspects of the Korobets surname, including its origins, its evolution, and its significance in modern times.

The Meaning and Origin of the Korobets Surname

The surname Korobets has its origins in Ukraine. It is believed to be derived from the word “korobka,” which means «small box» or «basket». One theory suggests that the surname may have originally been given to a person who made or sold baskets or boxes. Another theory suggests that it may have been given to a person who lived in a small hut or house that resembled a box or basket.

The Korobets surname is also found among Belarusians, Poles, and Russians, but its frequency is much higher among Ukrainians. In Ukraine, the Korobets surname is most prevalent in the western regions of the country, particularly in the Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv oblasts.

Over time, the spelling and pronunciation of the Korobets surname has varied. In some instances, the surname has been spelled with a «K» instead of a «C». In others, it has been spelled with an additional «s» or «z». Some variations of the surname include Korobecz, Karabec, and Khorobets.

The Korobets surname is a popular one in Ukraine and has a rich history and meaning behind it. Genealogists and historians continue to study its origins and variations to uncover more fascinating facts about this interesting surname.

The Declension of the Korobets Surname

The Korobets surname is of Ukrainian origin and belongs to the Slavic language family. As with all Slavic surnames, the Korobets surname follows a specific declension pattern.

The declension of the Korobets surname is as follows:

Case Singular Plural
Nominative Korobets Korobetsy
Genitive Korobetsa Korobetsiv
Dative Korobetsу Korobetsam
Accusative Korobetsa Korobetsy
Instrumental Korobetsom Korobetsami
Locative Korobetsі Korobetsyah
Vocative Korobets Korobetsy

The declension of the Korobets surname is important for genealogical research and for correctly addressing individuals with this surname in Ukraine and other Slavic countries.


Каково происхождение фамилии Коробец?

Фамилия Коробец происходит от профессионального названия — коробец, которое обозначало человека, занимающегося изготовлением коробов, ящиков и деревянных изделий.

Как склоняется фамилия Коробец?

Фамилия Коробец склоняется по общим правилам склонения мужских фамилий: Коробца, Коробцу, Коробца, Коробцом, Коробце.

Каково значение фамилии Коробец?

Фамилия Коробец отражает занятие предков — изготовление изделий из дерева, а также может указывать на происхождение из деревенской среды.

Какая история сопряжена с фамилией Коробец?

Фамилия Коробец встречается в русской истории в связи с именем Василия Коробцова, предводителя крестьянского восстания в 1606 году против лжедмитрия I. Также фамилия Коробец встречается среди казаков в период княжения Богдана Хмельницкого.

Существуют ли известные личности с фамилией Коробец?

Среди известных личностей с фамилией Коробец можно отметить Елену Коробец — депутата Государственной Думы, а также Александра Коробеца — украинского писателя, драматурга и кинорежиссера.

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